Zerolynx Group
Zerolynx (International) + Osane Consulting (Basque Country and Navarra)
Cybersecurity as added value
Zerolynx is a European business group specialized in Cybersecurity, Intelligence and Corporate Security. As a puresecurity player, we stay up to date with all current threats and have full capacity to agilely address a joint and forceful response to any security problem, physical or virtual. We have the specialized resources necessary to tackle any project, following the functions of NIST (Governance, Identification, Protection, Detection, Response and Recovery), providing our expert vision and experience to contribute to the improvement of resilience of our clients.
Zerolynx Group is present in different regions around the world. Internationally Zerolynx Group operates under the brand name "Zerolynx". In Euskadi and Navarra you can identify us under the brand "Osane Consulting".

Mission, vision and values
Our mission defines the purpose of Zerolynx, to provide innovative security services in a comprehensive, efficient and useful way.
Our future statement focuses on constantly increasing our capabilities and the quality of our services, maintaining our agile, coherent and flexible essence.
Our values are undoubtedly our guarantor towards our clients. Quality, commitment and honesty always accompany us.
Trust the best
Top 100 Global CYBERTECH
In 2023 we were named one of the 100 Cybertech companies worldwide, supported by more than 150 satisfied enterprise customers. We provide services internationally, with active projects in more than 15 countries and in multiple languages.
Best Cybersecurity Company
In 2024 and 2021 we have been recognized as the Best ICT Security Company in Spain by Red Seguridad magazine, an award that highlights the good performance of the team that makes up Zerolynx and its commitment to quality.

Our Technical Blog
Flu Project
Flu Project is our cybersecurity technical blog. It was founded in 2010 by our CEO, Juan Antonio Calles and Pablo González, and is one of the reference blogs in Spanish-speaking cybersecurity, with more than 10 million visits during its 2 stages.

Our News Blog
Zerolynx News
Zerolynx News is our news blog and, since the founding of the company, it is the place where we inform about all our news, press releases, presence at events and other topics of interest for our clients and followers.< /p>

ISO/IEC 27001
"Since 2024, Zerolynx has certified its Information Security Management System for all its services under the certification scheme of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. Our auditor, British Standards Institution (BSI), always highlights our high quality standards."

ENS HIGH category
Since 2024, Zerolynx has certified its Information Security Management System under the National Security Scheme, thus complying with the Spanish regulatory framework, dependent on the National Cryptologic Center. This regulation, certified by Applus+, allows Zerolynx to provide services to the entire Spanish Public Administration, also guaranteeing that, being in the HIGH category, it meets 100% of the requirements of the NIS-2 regulation.

Innovative SME
In 2020 we obtained the Innovative SME seal after the EQA certification agency certified our R&D&i Management System. This seal endorses our constant effort to innovate and offer disruptive services at the forefront of the market.