GRC, resilience and Regulatory Compliance Analysis services
Celia CatalánShare
The current panorama that companies have to face in terms of security, privacy and cybersecurity, is complex and said complexity grows exponentially over time.
If that, along with protection and prevention, is one of the points that companies should focus on, it is no less important meet regulatory requirements about.
Maybe not all of them (although it would be advisable if they did) but, depending on their activity, sector to which they are dedicated, size, type of clients, etc., many companies will be obliged to comply with certain normative, directives, regulations, regulations and laws. And, if they do not comply with them, in addition to being exposed to possible incidents, may be affected by sanctions and fines for said non-compliance.
The ultimate goal is safety, protection, prevention and resilience. For this reason, the regulation regarding Data Protection, security and cybersecurity is key and is supported by the need to implement robust security systems. GRC (Government / Gobernance, Risk / Risk management / Risk Management and Compliance / Compliance) in the affected organizations.
But do we know the normative What could affect or apply to our company? Do we know if we have mandatory compliance of the same or only at the level of recommendation? Do we know if we comply with them and to what degree we fulfill them? And, if we do not comply with them, or not 100%, do we know What do we have to do to fulfill them??Maybe we should get to it as soon as possible!
But, in terms of Government, Risk and Compliance (GRC) according to the cybersecurity, What exactly are we talking about? We talk about the establishment, implementation and management of certain policies, procedures, resources, ways of functioning, services, controls, technologies, etc., in our company, with which we can guarantee that we comply with the main international safety regulatory frameworks.
There are multitudes. But focusing on frames or standards relating to the cybersecurity Yet the Data Protection, among which we could identify the following (among many others):
- ISO/IEC (International Standarization Organization), and specifically, the standard ISO 27001, which focuses on guaranteeing the security, confidentiality and integrity of the data in the digital systems that process them.
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
- CIS (Cybersecurity Center), which offers critical security controls for the prevention and mitigation of cyber threats.
- NIS Directives and NIS2 (Network and Information Security), European directive to guarantee security in networks and IT systems in the European Union.
- ENS (National Cybersecurity Scheme), which establishes the security policy for the use of electronic media in the Public administration (affected and obligated and the companies that work with it).
- GDPR / GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), for the establishment of standards for the protection of rights and freedoms with regard to personal data.
- LOPDGDD (Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights), which comes to replace the old LOPD (Organic Data Protection Law) and tries to be the equalization of the GDPR to the Spanish legal system.
- LSSICE (Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce), which regulates how IT services and electronic contracting should be.
Adherence to these regulations is not only a legal requirement in many cases, but is also essential to protect the company's digital assets and customer trust.
Therefore, the evaluation of the normative compliance It is the first step in the process of achieving a good model GRC in matters of privacy and cybersecurity.
This involves a thorough analysis by experts of the security and privacy practices of the company, taking into account the requirements established by the regulatory frameworks applicable to each case.
In this task, the analysts they review the policies and procedures existing in the organization, identify vulnerabilities and security gaps, and, with all this, determine improvement and/or corrective actions to increase the compliance at the highest level possible.
After a thorough evaluation of the normative compliance by experts, the company must carry out a series of recommended activities, in order to guarantee the technical adaptation al normative compliance in matters of cybersecurity, corresponding to framework that has been analyzed.
Let's say that the professional exercise or service is made up of two phases. The first of them audit of the current state and the second of them consultancy. He professional and expert technical advice, is vital, providing guidance on the specific measures that a specific organization must take to comply with the regulatory requirements.
The implementation of measures to achieve a good level of GRC, it implies:
- Configuration and administration of security systems.
- Awareness, education and training of personnel in security policies.
- Implementation of controls and measures security techniques.
- Definition and application of a Incident Response Plan.
- Definition and implementation of a new strategy and of periodic consultancies.
As we said, each company, depending on its sector, market, type of clients, volume, etc., will have its own particular and unique needs and challenges in the field of cybersecurity and the privacy.
This is what makes it necessary for each of them to have strategies for consultancy and personalized actions, 100% adapted to the specific cases of each company, with a particular approach to addressing detected absences and designing convenient solutions adjusted to the particular circumstances of each organization.
Companies do not have an expert team dedicated to this, so they outsource this type of specialized cybersecurity and cyberintelligence services, like the ones we offer in Zerolynx: GRC, Regulatory Compliance Analysis and Technical Adequacy for Regulatory Compliance.
Do you want us to find out if your company complies with the regulations that may affect it and, if it does not comply, tell you what you should do to comply?
You can expand details about our services visiting the Zerolynx page
If you prefer, contact us and we talked.